You came, we saw you and for the most part, we conquered you.
Aquarians anyway.
February is one of those months that literally fly by. We celebrate Black History, we get cute for Valentine Day, we feel empowered for Spring and then boom, it's all over, lol.
Now, here's March. a dainty and brightly filled season that pushes you to begin anew. To let go of all the previous baggage that you accumulated the other 11 months. Begging us all to "clean house" and be filled with new energy.

March is for ambassadors of hope, optimism, faith and great works. It surely is a month to be celebrated for it's refreshing, realigning and rejuvenating efforts.
Why do "they" say the "New Year" is January again?
You'd think with all the belly swelling, dead leaves and hibernating mammals it'd give away that nothing is "new" about January, except coming from December. March is the "man who stole the other's man's girl-friend". It's enticing embrace and seductive nature is exciting for building things and filling your heart.
It's fresh, it's potent, it's ALIVE!

Pisces helps to usher in this new energy with it's intellectual approach. Having us all in our heads and hearts about our next move, who to take with us and how we plan to transmute all of the low vibrational shit into divine energy.
Either way chile, I'm here for it all! I'm excited about where I'm taking my skincare business. I'm excited about my love interest, and I'm super-duper excited about my growth, and the transformation that is taking place in my life right now as I write this blog.
It's a very magical time to tap into our sleeping giant. That "benevolent beast" that is eager to assist you on becoming all that the creator intended for you to be. You thought February was a time to be had... March is here to make room for you and I to embrace all new things honey!

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