Listennnn, honey my skin has been going through some things these past 2 months. More so within the last month. And I've been working to get down to the nitty gritty about it. Especially since I formulate my own plant base and all-natural skincare products. No way can I be out here with non-flawless skin.
I thought it was coming from my puppy Cairo. My mini poodle, we got as a Christmas gift from my mom. And I know dogs can be germy, but we keep her pretty clean to the best of our ability. We wipe her paws down when we come in from walks or letting her "use it". We get her monthly grooming's, wash her toys and beddings and give her baths in between her grooming appointments. And we make sure she goes to the vet to stay current on her health.
I did limit how much she licks my face, but I can't seem to stay away from her just being so loveable and huggable! Her so freaking cute!

So, I moved to soaps. I use all-natural everything! From soap to detergent to deodorant to toothpaste, I mean EVERYTHING! I'm like I've been using these items way before this happened. And I did formulate my own skin cleanser, only to find out my skin does not enjoy high doses of glycerin. So, I discontinued using that and my skin is still going NUTS!
Although I see improvement from ditching my cleanser formula I made, but then I started having a lot of acne outbreaks like never before. I haven't been wearing a lot of makeup, but I haven't been cleaning my makeup brushes how I use to. I threw all those out and ordered new ones. In the meantime, I've just been using my fingers lol.
I cover my pillows at night with my "face towel" (a clean hand towel I use strictly just to sleep on, and I wash it on Sundays when I do laundry. Like guys, I've really been investigating my entire routine trying to get to the bottom of it.
I started my raw veggie, fruit, nuts & herbs "diet" this past Monday, and that challenge is 2 weeks. So, I'm hoping along with using my diy cleansing facial toner and clean eating I'll see huge improvement. But ever since I started using my diy cleansing facial toner concoction my skin has not been itchy, and the acne/pimples have minimized tremendously.
I mixed distilled h20, rosemary water, and tea tree oil together in a small spray bottle. The spray bottle I have is about 2oz. I had some rose water in it, so I emptied that out, sterilized it and then made my toner. And I did this Sunday night, it's now Wednesday and my face is no longer itchy and irritated; and like I said, my acne/pimples have shrunk so much.

Along with my diy cleansing toner, I did use a facial wash I formulated with turmeric root, pure castile soap and distilled h20. And I used vitamin e oil as my moisturizer. I'm not sure if it's a combination of all 3, or just my new cleanser, (which by the way I'll have available in my online shop next Monday, May 20th for purchase); but I can totally see a difference already.
To make the toner you simply take organic rosemary water, distilled water, and tea tree oil and mix together in a small spray bottle. Shake well and spray onto your cotton pad or directly onto your face. Don't use to much tea tree as it is very potent. I filled my spray bottle up with distilled water about 60% way, then filled the rest with rosemary water and added about 3 drops of tea tree oil.

& Guys, it smells and feels AMAZING!
I first cleansed my face using the toner, hence why I call it "cleansing toner "by spraying it on my cotton pad and wiping my face in circular motions. Yall should have seen the amount of dirt that was on my pad. DIIIIGUSTING lol. Then I lightly sprayed it onto my face, rubbed the vitamin e oil deeply into my skin and sprayed it once more.
I instantly felt a cleansing, tingling sensation. I chose rosemary water and tea tree oil because rosemary water has pH restoration properties and will naturally balance out your skin's pH levels. Rosemary also has powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, promotes circulation and skin cell renewal, and helps protect the skin from UV radiation. It can also help heal wounds and prevent skin scarring.
The tea tree oil also has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, but it also relieves discomfort from itchy, irritated skin. But I warn you, too much will cause more irritation for sure. Simply add 2-3 drops. I wouldn't do more than that, especially if you're using a 2oz bottle like me. If you do not have these ingredients on hand, do not know where you can find them, or just don't feel like "concocting" it yourself, lol, visit my online shop to purchase you one of mine for $10 :)
They'll be available May 20th, subscribe to my website (you get 20% off too when you do) or to this blog and I'll hit you up when there listed online.
Try this at home and comment below your results after you've tried it. Or leave a reply if you already use tea tree oil in your skincare regimen and let us all know what your experience has been like. I'll definitely be back to update my nU skin village on my progress, or lack thereof in my next blog post.
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Have you tried honey and turmeric powder as a face mask?
Turmeric is really good for acne, pores and blackheads. I've done it a few times now and omg the results are so good!