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Leave it in 2024 please & thanks.

Writer's picture: Natasha AndrewsNatasha Andrews

What are the things, people, or experiences, you're leaving behind in the year of 2024? Hopefully the disgusting lack of self love, and self sabatoge, self neglect and selflessness without boundaries. We must put ourselves first, our happiness, our purpose must rule in this next phase.

So for me personally, I've left and continue to leave behind everything that is not in addition to my wealth, health, joy and utopian existence. I've fudged off for so long that this next new numerological year has to, HAS TO LOOK SO DIFFERENT FOR ME, and for my family.

A beautiful dark melanin woman pouring water onto her. Emphasizing cleansing her self.
I love how this pic reflects a women re-energizing herself; or cleansing herself. I found this while on IG, and felt it fit perfectly for my post image :) Because let's be honest nU Skin bae, as a village, honey we got some deep deep cleaning to do.

And no, I'm not creating a list of resolutions that I'm going to tap out of by March 1st, 2025. I'm a just, right now, today, make a commitment to myself to LOCK IN! To lock into the higher versions of me, to lock into my children's idea's and help push their imagination into full throttle. Lock back into the original visions that I may have abandoned as I journeyed into and through 2024. Holistically locking back into my creation of my world in it's totality!

Lock into the “newness” mindset in spite of...

A lot of you know deep down the dead of winter gives birth to nothing new. However, locking into a new mindeset at any point is a plus for levels of self mastery. Wanting to change how you view things in life, is a key to embodying better ways of thriving. Because we're opening ourselves up to possibilities that we've limited before.

And yes, this constructed energy can be used to our benefit in saying goodbye. We give things power and everything that isn't a representation of the real you and me should be dismantled and rebuilt. That's what transmutation is, that's what alchemists do, they take something that was meant for one thing and create something else.

I feel like that's what the vibe has been for me lately anyway. Transforming my situation by alchemizing energy. Teaching myself how to heal, think different, react without heavy emotion, and stand on business.

Standing on business looks like...

Honoring my needs first before anyone elses's. Prioritizng ME and affirming my wants, desires and must-haves in accordance to my passions, goals and higher version of me. I've allowed so much to strip away the true essence of me, that I have to take my power back in this next level.

A quote about starting over and having new beginnings whenever you feel called too.
This quote by this beauty here… A golden reminder I found on IG. We can start NU whenever we decide.

I started my fitness routine again, yoga for 30 mins in the rising, drink my lime, collagen and vitamin c water and then once I'm home from work, go for my 30-45 min walk or jog around my complex. Because this is what standing on business looks like in my life. Really getting maniacle with my own ideas and perceptions of what my abundance, wealth, and luxury life should be designed as...

So as I close out, I really want my NU skin bae's to sit on this. What have you left and will continue to leave and abandon in 2024? And what are you aligning with and who are you showing up as in 2025? Is it your authentic aura your developing more of? Is it the red flags we're honoring more of? Is it the "no's" we're expressing more now?

What can WE NU skin village do to continue to leave our old ways behind and forge ahead in newer, truer identities? Please "heart" (like) below and share your thoughts in the comment section below. I really want us to push us and hold us more accountable to leave behind all the bull s*** and honor the calling to be greater than ever!

Also, subscribe so you don't miss out on any blog posts from me about skincare, beauty tips, personal experiences, business, diy, any and everything I feel called to wrtie about. Share this post with a person who needs it in your circle...

I love you, your local skincare bae, Natasha xoxo.


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