What are you working, planning or conjuring to manifest this month? Word is, May is a beautiful month to actually bring into the physical what we call in from the quantum.

Are you powerful enough? Magical enough? Divine enough to do so?
Do you have the wits, tenacity & personal will power to create what you desire in this physical world?
According to the infamous, super intelligent Billy Carson, we all possess the magnetism to design our lives how we see fit. All it takes is belief backed by work! Persistent work. Consistent faith & the power within to hone in the reality you wish.
For me, I’m manifesting more nU skin baes for my business, more fun times & leisure with my children, and a more stable foundation; so I am able to rise up out of my root, solar plexus & sacral chakras and thrive in my life!
One thing about many of us, is our money making abilities are directly tied to our self worth, creativity & mindset. For me on a personal level, I know my material wealth will flourish once I get out of my own way.

And guess what? This is a perfect month to do so!
May feels like new beginnings! New energy, new aura, new spaces, meeting new faces. & of course, more nU customers!
I’ve been hyper focused on my relationship with myself. My fitness, my diet, my daily thoughts, my relationship with my children, men, friends etc…
Hell, all the tingz’.
And I vow publically, to “kill” this month of May with me in mind! Do what I’m supposed to without second guessing or procrastination.
So my question to you is, what are you manifesting like magic in May?
Let me know in the comments below. Don’t be shy, this is such a safe space. Or you can email me at info@naturalucosmetics.com if public places don’t suit you well.
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Peace ✌🏾