Is this even a topic? HELL YES! Because so many of us are out here just winging it. Going through phases and stages of life with no real purpose, aim or big goal. Everything we do should make sense. Every connection, every interaction, every minutiae of life should bring meaning, thought, value, lesson, addition to one's experience.
Otherwise, what are we doing?

When dating someone, when befriending someone, when aiming to accomplish something along the way in your journey, it should have a divine purpose. You should always ask yourself, What is it I want with this thing? What do I see in this thing? How can I grow this thing? Where do I focus my energy in this thing and what position in my life does this particular thing take?
To constantly reinforce "what is all of this for" in your life, you'll dead situations that need to be dead, avoid many disappointments and misalignments. As well as "lighten the load" on distractions. The last thing any of us need is a close "friend, lover or confidant of sorts" who is literally there to compare, judge, watch and/or selfishly take what they need from you; without ever pouring back into you, supporting you or aiding in your spiral growth.
It takes audacity, non-mediocre behavior and wit to become above average and fully transformed!
The people who generally conquer life and master self, are those who literally go against every thing that tried to stop them. That tried to half love them, half support them, half ass their obligation in the relationship with them. People who are different, magical, intelligently focused and tuned in; have the capacity to drop at any given moment, every one and every thing that's not in alignment with THEIR VISION!
The entire purpose of being intentional is so you waste less time bull crapping and more time manifesting, creating, loving and authentically living as your highest and truest self. Yes you want to explore and see and do and practice and try... But at a certain point, age, pov and after much experience, you realize how being intentional saves you more time on the things you want. It actually buys time to co-create with the universe your entire existence.
Leaving some room for flow, sacred guidance, and provision from source, the creators, mother and father, you'll still have the freewill to participate in your own presence; your own destiny. So it may not come out exactly how you envisioned, because it may come out better than you could of dreamt or scripted.
But intentionality is for the accountable and responsible beings. It's for the souls who openly wish to embody themselves in full. Becoming in this existence what they were sent here to become.

Intentional moves are examples of self love, high frequency and divine order. It's a truth you created for yourself that is a non-negotiable...
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